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16 Errors in Evolutionary Theory
An examination of the terms 'Natural Selection' and 'Survival of the Fittest'.
A Summary of Creation Evolution Issues
A summary table of creation vs. evolution theories with connecting links to research sites.
Article Database - Jonathan Wells - Inherit The Sp
Critique of Darwinist arguments on Discovery Institute site.
CARM: Evolution Debate Archive
Some of the debates that have occured on the "Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry" Creation Evolution Debate Board. Includes debates on dating methods, transitional forms, genetics, and the philosophy of science.
Discusses four different models for the creation of the universe and earth.
Defend Your Faith
Various arguments in favour of creationism.
DrDino.com - Creation Science Evangelism
Lively creation site that highlights Dr. Hovind's offer of a $250,000.00 award to anyone who presents credible proof of evolution. Pictures of 20th-century dinosaurs and other evidences supporting biblical creation.
Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved
From 1925 by William A. Williams. An article from a historical perspective, regardless of one's belief.
In The Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Ea
Arguments against creationism, plus also some teaching about angels and Halloween.
Insects Bug Evolutionism
Arguments against Darwinian evolution from the standpoint of creationism and using examples from the insect world.
Institute for Creation Research - ICR
Indepth scientific and biblical information regarding the creation/evolution controversy.
Joe's Creationism vs. Evolution Page
Brief debate against evolution. Answers to common questions asked about creationism and origins.
Operation Evolution - Taking Evolution to the Batt
Provides scientific facts that evolution is just a joke. Includes a video for sale.
The American Scientific Affiliation Creation/Evolu
The ASA has no official position on evolution, and this page offers resources on various sides of the issue, including historical, scientific and biblical/theological papers as well as current issues in the news.
The Genesis Network
Detailed synopsis of the question of origins using the Bible and Scientific evidence.
The True Origin Archive
Timothy Wallace's site intended to provide an intellectually honest alternative to the popular pro-evolutionist talk. Proposes to demonstrate that evolution does not find unequivocal support in the data of empirical science and that biblical creation is corroborated in the same empirical data.
Was Darwin Right?
Creationist site examines Darwin's propositions and offers alternate explanations for evidence cited in favor of evolution.
Was Darwin Wrong?
Critical reviews of more than 40 books by 38 authors on the subject of evolution, pro and con. Includes strictly secular anti-evolution arguments as well as a sampling of intelligent design arguments.