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Personal Pages
The Erring Christian
An Introduction to Intelligent Design Theory
A short discussion of the meaning of Intelligent Design, with links to other resources.
Are You Here by Intelligent Design?
Simple article exploring the complex concept.
Boundless: The Meaning of Intelligent Design
Theological introduction on the meaning of intelligent design from the Boundless Webzine.
Case for a Creator ; Lee Strobel
Companion site to the book offers chapter summaries, latest news on Intelligent Design, resources for teachers and students, and a bulletin board.
Cherithbrook Biblical Worldview
Site investigates and supports a Christian worldview within fields such as astrophysics, biology, geology, archeology, history, sociology, philosophy, and comparative religions.
Creation and Theistic Evolution
Bible timeline with references to theistic evolution, intelligent design, and the Bible.
Darwin's Black Box, by Michael Behe
Review of the book 'Darwin's Black Box', by Michael Behe - the biochemical challenge to evolution from irreducible complexity.
Discovery Institute - Center for the Renewal of Sc
Supports research into evidence of intelligent design in nature through fellowships, publishing, policy briefings, and other activities. Site includes current articles.
Evidence for a Designed Universe
Personal page of Dr. Ronald Lasky, author and lecturer on topics relating to evidences for a designed universe and author of "Beyond A Reasonable Doubt: Evidence for a Designed Universe" and "A Scientist's Path to Christ."
Genesis, Evolution, Natural Selection
This study points out that Genesis 2-3 is perfectly compatible with evolution, but not with natural selection, which is inconsistent with the law of increasing disorder.
IDEA Center Online
A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of scientific evidence that life was designed by an intelligence, coordinating IDEA Club chapters at universities, and facilitating friendly discussion over creation-evolution issues for people of many viewpoints.
IDEA Club Online
Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness (IDEA) Club is a student-run club at UC San Diego promoting the idea that life was designed by an Intelligence, and fostering good-spirited friendly discussion over creation-evolution issues among students and faculty with many viewpoints.
Intelligent Design Network
Promoting Intelligent Design teaching and material in and for the classrooms.
Intelligent Design Theory
Site brings together information on the growing scientific field of intelligent design (ID), also known as the Intelligent Design Theory (IDT). It will define IDT and endeavor to help facilitate the formulation of the testable IDT theory/model and the propagation of IDT.
Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research Center
Information for high school and college students interested in intelligent design and evolution.
Intelligent Design: The New 'Big Tent' f
Tells about the observations of Ron Numbers, an historian of the struggle between Darwinism and the anti-evolution movements, on the relationship between intelligent design and other creationism.
Leadership University
A large collection of articles relating to the intelligent design movement and related issues. Includes essays, papers, debates, professor's office, speaking schedules, current events, online forums and news.
Michael J. Behe
Author of "Darwin's Black Box" offers articles, responses to critics, lecture reports and schedule, and a series of articles on Molecular Machines: Examples of Irreducible Complexity.
Intelligent design, theism, and old earth creation.
Features scholarly and popular resources concerning intelligent design and philosophical theism. Searchable.
Origins & Design Journal
Journal of the Access Research Network which attempts to put science topics in perspective by looking at related political, ethical and philosophical issues.
Phillip Johnson on ARN
Articles, Johnson's book review essays from Books and Culture, bibliography of his published books and articles, and book and tape catalog. Phillip Johnson speaking schedule.
Progressions, The Book
Book topics include stages of human development, integral evolution, a model of the soul, chakras and rays, science and wisdom teachings, and intelligent design.
Reasons To Believe
Web site of astronomer Hugh Ross, who presents scientific support for creationism, postulating that the creation days of Genesis were long periods of time.
Scientific Creationism
A collection of articles and links which seek to refute evolution and promoting Christian creationism. Offers a periodic newsletter, recommended links, and video and audio.
Special/Intelligent Design Features
Examples of complexity and design from the Answers in Genesis website.
Terrestrial Soup - Intelligent Design vs Evolution
Provides information and news about the debate between evolution and intelligent design, creationism, and Christian apologetics.
The Creationist Zone
Site discusses order and the laws of probability leading to an essay of irreducible complexity and a look inside a cell.
The Virtual Office of Robert C. Koons
University of Texas professor approaches theistic science and intelligent design from a philosophical logic perspective.
The Wedge Strategy
Widely circulated document from the Discovery Institute's Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture laying out a strategic plan for the dissemination of a non-materialist approach to science, focusing particularly on design theory.
William A. Dembski: Official Web Site
Includes series of articles, replies to critics and description of his books.
Worldview Test Site
Tests worldviews for evidence of the intelligent design of the Creator.