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Affiliation of Christian Geologists - Essays
Collection of essays supportive of Old Earth views.
Age Evidences
Online book by Hill Roberts regarding evidences that have led many scientists to accept an ancient date for creation of the earth and universe. In Adobe Acrobat format.
Answers In Creation
Presents an argument upholding both the Genesis creation account and that the earth is billions of years old, along with rebuttals to young-earth theories. Homeschool lessons (PowerPoint).
Christian Geology: Science and Scripture
Exegesis on geologic catastrophism and the Ruin-Reconstruction interpretation of Genesis, the Pre-Adamite world, and the geophysics of Noah's Flood.
Creationism vs. Evolution
Information on old earth, creation, ruination, recreation or gap theory, progressive creation and anti evolution.
DWise1's Creation/Evolution Pages: Steven Sch
Essays critiquing views of young-earth creationists by an evangelical Christian and creationist.
Genesis, Science, Cosmology
Excerpt from an e-book illustrating that the first chapter of Genesis is perfectly compatible with science such as cosmology, the big bang, the theory of relativity.
God, Genesis and the Big Bang
Looks for evidence for the existence of God, harmony between science and Scripture, and an answer to the young-earth/old-earth creation/evolution debate.
In This Place
Paraphrase of Genesis 1 & 2 attempts to bring biblical account into line with the long ages of modern science.
Lord I Believe
Workshops led by physicist Hill Roberts with a group of Christian apologetics teachers including an astronomer, physician, engineers and educators. Offering a reasonable basis for faith. Site includes online resources.
Origins - Theistic Evolution.
Theistic Evolution links. Explanation of Theistic Evolution. Criticism of Creationism. Links to evolution resources and theistic evolution resources.
The Antiquity and the Unity of the Human Race Revi
Christian geologist, Davis A. Young presents paleoanthropology evidence for the antiquity of humans. He asks if God used evolution to make humans.
The Creation/Evolution Controversy
Many answers to young earth arguments. Evidences for evolution. Links to sites promoting harmony between Genesis and evolution.
Who are Creationists?
Christian geologist, David Dathe charts geologists, theistic evolutionists, and several types of creationists, via their belief in God, macro evolution, and the age of the earth.