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Beyond the "Shades of Gray"
A personal discourse on homosexual orientation and behavior, together with a Christian perspective on overcoming homosexuality.
Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality & Chris
Essays on a biblical view of homosexuality, promoting a demonstration of the love of God towards gays and lesbians as the most Christ-like approach
Christian Encouragement for Exgays
Live chat and bulletin board discussion for ex-gays.
Christianity and Homosexuality
Browse the experiences and beliefs of an Australian born-again Christian and former homosexual. Describes his transformation to heterosexuality via Christianity.
Courage, Clarity, and Charity: A Phoenix Declarat
A declaration signed by Arizona clergy upholding the historical Biblical view on homosexuality.
A local support group held in Winston-Salem, NC for those wanting freedom from homosexuality and other sexual issues.
Deliver Ministries
A Christian organization dedicated to helping men and women find freedom from homosexuality.
Desert Stream Ministries
Ministry offering services to aid those beset by sexual appetites and/or activities conceived outside of the heterosexual covenant.
Ellen DeGeneres or Ellen The Degenerate?
Criticizes the misleading implications of Ellen DeGeneres' lesbianism. Written from a Christian viewpoint.
Evergreen International
Provides resources for individuals who desire to overcome homosexual behavior and diminish same-sex attraction through religion.
Ex-Gay Links
Internet links, e-mail addresses to websites and other ministries regarding healing from homosexuality and related issues.
Exodus International
A nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ, challenging those who who uphold homosexuality as a valid orientation.
Family and Friends of Gays and Lesbians
Support for conservative Christian husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers of lesbians and gays, with email lists, essays, and stories
God Created Them Male and Female
"Site exists so that those who have entered into a homosexual lifestyle can find help, hope and courage to exit from that lifestyle." Family resources, ex-gay ministries, gay theology examined, AIDS resources.
Homophobia: An Unfinished Story
J. Budziszewski compiles discussions with gay students into a composite for Boundless Webzine.
Viewpoint on Homosexuality.
Living Hope Ministries
Ministry offering information and services to help individuals understand homosexuality from a redemptive Christian perspective.
Mighty Through God
Getting free, staying free, testimonies, and resources.
Mission America
Network of parents and others concerned about the promotion of homosexuality in our schools, where information is often provided that is inaccurate and high-risk, and where attempts are being made to stifle free speech by calling it harassment.
New Hope Ministries
A Christ centered ministry designed to help people struggling with homosexuality leave their past lifestyle and to fully embrace their true identity in Jesus Christ.
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX)
Support for parents and friends of ex-gays.
Ministry devoted to helping people seeking to overcome homosexuality, sexual addiction or other relational problems.
Searching for Truth in Lifestyles: Homosexuality a
Contending that compassion for individuals should accompany a firm moral stance, Dr. Thomas Schmidt builds a case against homosexual practice.
Stephen Bennett Ministries
Ex-gay Christian song writer and recording artist shares testimony and resources based on the premise that "no one is born homosexual and complete change is completely possible."
The Promise Tree
Help for those who struggle with homosexuality.
The Seeker
J. Budziszewski follows up his "Homophobia: An Unfinished Story" article for Boundless Webzine, with this actual conversation with another gay student.
Transformed Image
Non-denominational Christian resources and support for persons seeking freedom from homosexuality. An Exodus partner site.