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Catholic Encyclopedia: Spiritual Direction
Personal guidance according to individual needs. Criticizes excesses at both ends of the spectrum: heavyhanded directors, and people who think that since they have the Holy Spirit they have no need of human help.
Institute for Spiritual Leadership
A non-profit corporation that provides programs and experiences for the education and training of adults in spirituality and the art of spiritual direction.
Lutheran (ELCIC) online newsletter about the ministry of spiritual direction.
Spiritual Direction
Advice on what qualities to look for in a potential spiritual director. This article is not aimed exclusively at Christians.
Spiritual Direction
An introduction, from the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Movement.
Spiritual Formation
Short essays by Carl McColman about spiritual direction and contemplative prayer. Especially helpful for someone who feels drawn by God to a simpler way of prayer.
The Anam Cara Academy for Spiritual Directors
A non-profit foundation which provides training in the ancient art of spiritual direction.