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A Charismatic Pentecostal Theology Site
Information about theologian J. Rodman Williams' major work, Renewal Theology, on-line books A Theological Pilgrimage and others, plus articles, video teaching, and book reviews.
A Conciliatory Approach to the Pentecostal Doctrin
Takes the position that speaking in tongues is a valid phenomenon, but questions that those who do not so speak are not baptized of the Holy Spirit.
Assemblies of God Position Papers
Documents issued by the Assemblies of God indicating the denomination's position on various theological and social issues.
Series of pentecostal articles useful for building up your faith.
Breakthrough - Nurture Room
Ministry Teaching Site of Pastor Rod Parsley. Includes a number of different articles to choose from, including healing, deliverance and the anointing.
Charismatic/Pentecostal Bible Teaching
Foundational Bible teaching, also covering issues related to discipleship, the Holy Spirit, and power evangelism.
Christian Baptism Basics
Spirit-filled studies of Biblical baptisms; baptised into Christ, water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, with a question and answer section on this topic.
Eternal Life Ministries
Downloadable books in PDF and HTML formats on topics such as glossalalia, Christ's suffering, baptism, and salvation. Also includes links to excerpts from other books by Harry Peyton and purchasing information for text versions. Oneness Pentecostal perspective.
Fifty Five Fatal Flaws
Apology for the word of faith movement which criticizes Christianity in Crisis by Hank Hanegraaff.
Holy Spirit Info
A scholarly look at the doctrine of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with proof.
Irene Faulkes
Articles by a woman Pentecostal preacher from Australia.
Jon Ruthven's Home Page
Jon Ruthven, professor of systematic theology, Regent University, presents a small selection of his writings on charismatic theology.
Lee R. Martin
Articles and resources by pastor and college professor on pentecostal theology and Biblical studies.
On the Cessation of Prophecy
Vineyard scholarly work which explores the role of prophets and prophecy from the OT through today.
Pentecostal Charismatic Religious Studies Resource
Links to Primary and Secondary Resources for the Study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements.
Pentecostal Charismatic Theological Inquiry Intern
Publisher of the Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research.
School of Divine Healing
Teaching articles on divine healing including Is it for today, is it God's perfect will, and why are all not healed.
Signs of Revival - an analysis of the Toronto Bles
Book describing and analysing strange and controversial phenomena seen in churches around the world in the mid 1990s, known as the Toronto Blessing.
Slain in the Spirit: Fact or Fiction ?
Online, out of print book that examines the subject in detail, from a Pentecostal viewpoint
Society For Pentecostal Studies
An academic, ecumenical society established in 1970.
Spirit Home
A web resource for spirituality and faith.
The Equipper
Several articles and links from a charismatic point of view. Originally The Christian Student Equipper.
The Pelajian Challenge
Homepage of a Pentecostal minister who believes that loving God with your mind is as important as loving God with your spirit. A biblical exploration of theological topics and concerns.
The Toronto Blessing
Apologetic site that defends the toronto blessing and other similar revivals.
Victory Through the Word Ministries
Charismatic site that stands up for the WOF movement. This ministry boasts many study articles and links and is an excellent resource.