english deutsch
Belgic Confession
Confessions, De Bres and the Birth of the Belgic Confession, The Belgic Confession of Faith
Canons of Dort
Canons of Dordt, Canons of Dort (1619), The Canons of Dort
Confession of 1967
Confession of 1967, Reconciliation matters
French Confession of 1559
History of The French (or Gallican) Confession, The French Confession of Faith
Geneva Confession
The Geneva Confession, The Genevan Confession -
Heidelberg Catechism
The Heidelberg Catechism, The Heidelberg Catechism
Irish Articles
Irish Articles, The Irish Articles
Presbyterian Statement of Faith
Brief Statement of Faith, Presbyterian Statement of Faith
Scots Confession
The Scots Confession, The Scots Confession:
Second Helvetic Confession
The Second Helvetic Confession
Westminster Confession
Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism
A Short History of Creeds and Confessions
A general history covering the ancient creeds of Christendom, confessions of the Lutheran Church and the Reformed Churches.