english deutsch
Cotton, John
The Correspondence of John Cotton
Browne, Robert
Mather, Cotton
Cotton Mather Home Page
Ames, William, Baxter, Richard, Cartwright, Thomas
1564-1660: The Era of Puritanism
Timeline of this important movement in England.
A Puritan's Mind
Links to Puritan theology, theologians and history.
English Dissenters: Puritans
Bibliography and summaries of English sects and religious dissidents of the Tudor, Stuart and Interregnum periods in Great Britain.
Site with links to biographies, sermons, theological, scientific and personal writings.
Puritan Religion
An article on the theology of the Puritans.
Puritan Roots
A brief sketch of the values of Puritanism, especially their doctrine of the church.
A number of Puritan beliefs, such as predestination, covenant of grace, justification, sanctification and providence.
An article from The Readers' Companion to American History which discusses the history and some theology.
Puritanism and Predestination
A historian discusses the connection between Puritanism and Calvinism, especially as it pertains to the doctrine of predestination.
Puritanism in New England
A discussion of the beliefs of the Puritans and their differences on church government.
Puritanism, Puritans
Several articles on Puritanism. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects.
The English Puritan's Beginnings
A short history of the early Puritans.
The Example of the English Puritans
An article on the Puritan example of applying Christian doctrine and the cultural mandate.
The Puritans
An article on the beliefs, the rhetoric and the politics of the Puritans.