english deutsch
Alleged Pauline Universalism
States that "the two strongest passages in favor of Pauline universalism are undoubtedly 1 Cor. xv. 21-28 and Eph. i. 10, yet the ablest exegetes concur that in neither can Paul be held to teach the doctrine of universal salvation."
Biblical Universalism
Articles, books and FAQ on Biblical Universalism.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Apocatastasis
Discusses the universalist theology of Origen and Gregory of Nyssa.
Christian Universalism
Provides a brief summary of universalism from a Biblical perspective.
Christian Universalism Articles
Essays by various writers on the doctrine of universalism.
Christian Universalist WebRing
Bravenet webring for universalist sites.
Christianworld Church
Presents a series of related articles claiming universal reconciliation. Denies the divinity of Jesus.
Concordant Expositions
A universalist/dispensationalist exposition of Scripture by the Concordant Publishing Concern. Denies the divinity of Jesus.
Craig-Bradley Debate: Can a Loving God Send People
A debate between theologian William Lane Craig and philosopher Ray Bradley over the merits of the doctrine of universalism.
Freethinking Faith
An exploration of Christian issues that deals with various theological topics within the Christian tradition, including universal redemption.
Glad Tidings Chapel
Articles and forum concerning the doctrine of Ultimate Reconciliation, otherwise known as Universal Salvation, Universalism, and Inclusionism.
God's Truth For Today
Features a library of articles by different authors on a variety of topics, from a universalist/dispensationalist perspective. Denies the divinity of Jesus.
Articles and audio messages in favor of universalism. Charges an access fee for part of the site.
Hesed Unlimited
Presents the "Great Circle of Creation" in which it is claimed that those who fall away from God return to God.
In Word Journey - Insights Into Human Existence
One universalist's thoughts on God, hell, freedom, and Christianity.
Paul Tournier's Universalism
A masters thesis on the universalism of Paul Tournier. The thesis is written from a traditional Christian point of view, but clearly explains the doctrine of universalism.
Pluralism, Universalism, Inclusivism, Exclusivism
Analyzes the concepts of religious pluralism, universalism, exclusivism and inclusivism from a Biblical point of view.
Positive Christianity E-zine
Contains what the author claims to be "positive, life-affirming, nonjudgmental, practical and truth-centered messages".
Savior of All Fellowship
Presents essays and commentaries arguing that it is God's purpose to save all mankind through the death and resurrection of Christ.
Scripture Alone Bible Page
Criticizes both the Calvinists and Arminians, and argues that God in His sovereignty, has chosen the salvation of all people.
Provides information on many topics related to Christian universalism; including Bible translations, Greek/Hebrew words studies, Church history and law and grace.
The Eternal Fate of Unbelievers
Compares the orthodox Christian teachings on hell with universalism and several other positions, and examines these claims in the light of Scripture.
The Hell Page
A Gary Amirault website. As with many universalist sites, takes an "in-your-face" approach to traditional Christian teachings on hell.
The Mystery of Christ
Short articles claiming universal salvation.
The New Creation
Presents a series of essays from a universalist perspective. Posits the view that the soul is not immortal.
Universalism and the Bible
Keith DeRose, Yale University Associate Prof. of Philosophy, provides arguments for the doctrine of universalism.
Universalism on the Pacific Coast
Histories of individual Universalist churches on the Pacific Coast of the United States, and other articles on Universalism.
Universalist Christians Association Inc.
A pandenominational association to provide fellowship and support to Christian universalists of all denominations.
Wider Universalist Fellowship
Statements of faith and doctrine of the Christian Universalism.