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America's Christian Heritage
Argues that the Founding Fathers were Christian not primarily Deists.
Faith of Our Fathers: History Rewritten
Discusses the Christian faith of Washington, Adams, Franklin, and others. Disputes the separation of Church and State, and misrepresentations of the Puritans.
Infidels.org: The Christian Nation Myth
Farrell Till argues that many of the founding fathers of the United States were Deists.
Of Course There Were Deists
Response article asserting that the founding fathers were Deists.
Six Historic Americans
Online version of the book written by John E. Remsburg in 1906 argues that Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant were freethinkers or Deists.
Stand to Reason: The Faith of Our Fathers
Argues the faith of the founding fathers of the United States was based upon Christian principles not primarily Deism.
The Faith of Our Founding Fathers
Article cites remarks opposing the Bible.
Who is Nature's God?
Article by David Voelker discusses Thomas Jefferson's beliefs.