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Monthly forecasts for sun and rising signs; includes Ascendant sign ready-reckoner table.
Free monthly reading via email.
Astrology Chick
Monthly horoscopes and blog of astrologer Aura Galadriel Wright.
Astrology SA
Monthly and six month forecasts, with sun sign romance and Mayan astrology profiles.
Astrology Zone by Susan Miller
Features articles and sun sign tips in addition to monthly predictions.
Monthly predictions, with an explanation of the difference between astromancy and astrology.
Carolyn Reynolds, Astrologer and Author
Free monthly forecasts, together with articles and details of reports available.
Cosmopolitan: Bedside Astrologer
Monthly horoscope focusing on your romance, relationship, and career. From Cosmo Magazine.
Free Zodiac
Short sun sign horoscopes and important days of the month.
Hermes' Foot
Monthly forecasts by Lilly Roddy. Also includes astrologer profile, and a catalogue of taped lessons and lectures.
Lady Kat's Moon Phases
Monthly horoscope limited to current month sign moon phases by Rev. Pauline Southard
Liannes Astrology
Monthly horoscopes, astrological links, sun sign astrology, chart services
Lucky Jupiter Astrology
Monthly horoscopes and astrological current events commentary.
McNealy Monthly Astrology
Provides detailed monthly horoscopes based on Christian Astrology.
Night Light News
Provides an overview and monthly horoscopes.
Our Astrology Guide
Astrology horoscope with insight on personal relationships and finances can be ordered in 3, 6 and 12 month increments.
Monthly horoscope by Derek and Julia Parker can be accessed from their homepage under Forecasts.
Star Encounters
Provides lunation trends for all signs for the month plus monthly horoscope.
Stardust Monthly Horoscope
Features a monthly in-depth horoscope for all signs.
Sun Sign Predictions and More
Monthly predictions for sun signs. Derived predictions for President Bush's presidency and for nations and countries.
The Realist's Horoscopes
Monthly horoscopes with a little hard-edged reality to them.
The Starry Eye
An array of monthly horoscopes by Charlene Lichtenstein with related articles.