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Altair Publications
Offers publishing services based on philosophic content, not marketability or name recognition. Focus is on transformational and inspirational perspectives and works.
Alvina: Visions, Wishes and Dreams
Alvina's book about the astrology of timing. Author profile, book excerpts and ordering details.
Antiquarian Astrology Books
Used, rare and out-of-print astrology books.
Astrodomus Astrological Research Ltd.
Bookstore complete with book reviews and weekly interviews with writers. Who's who in astrology. Daily Chinese almanac tips.
Astrological Morphomatics
Books by Y.L. Hew on the Chinese astrological Zi Wei or Purple Star System. Includes author biography and ordering information.
Astrology Center of America
Large selection of books, searchable by title, author or subject.
Astrology et al Bookstore
Over a thousand astrology books, including rare titles, plus a large selection of books on occult, pagan, Buddhist, astrology, tarot, magick and Wicca.
Astrology Made Easy
Introduction to this book, with ordering information.
Presents a new way to analyze the sidereal influences. Includes the option of a free partial reading. [Site in English and Spanish.]
Celestial Forecaster by Annie Bones
Promotional material for this daily astrology guide, including reviews, author and ordering information, and free detailed forecasts since 1996.
Cheshire Rose
Astrological books, tapes, software and charting services, based in California.
Horoscope for the New Millennium
Book by E. Alan Meece explores the vast cycles of history through astrology and analyses what they portend for the future.
Jessica Adams
Author Jessica offers details and reviews of her astrological and fiction books.
Madalyn Aslan
Author of the children's astrology book "What's Your Sign?" presents her biography, with monthly horoscopes, book excerpts and reviews.
Nance McCullough
Featuring a variety of Nance's books on relationships, solar returns and houses.
Panchangam Press
Publisher of books on Indian Astrology.
Portrait of the Soul
By Taina Ketola, revealing three stages per sun sign. Features question and answer section, overview of signs and stages, and reader comments.
Sagittarius Books
Wide selection of psycological, vedic, classical and predictive astrology books, together with articles and software sales.
The Alpha and the Omega, by Jim A. Cornwell
Explores the correlations of astrological charts and symbols of the Zodiac with Biblical events.
The Big System
Excerpts from this book by Rudolf Megert, dealing with the 360 degree zodiac.
The Zodiac and its Mysteries by Professor A.F. Sew
Online astrology book based on the famous 'dream' immortalised in 1915 by Professor Seward.
Wessex Astrologer
UK based publishers specialising in astrology books and related non-book products.