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A warm welcome to Camphill Soltane's Website
Camphill Soltane creates a comprehensive, therapeutic and supportive environment for individuals with developmental disabilities, ages 18 to 25.
Camphill Association of North America
Dedicated to social renewal through community building with children, youth, and adults who have developmental disabilities. In a time where many are experiencing a crisis of spirit and search for meaning, Camphill offers a life of celebration, service, and community building in which all participants flourish.
Camphill Communities Callan
The virtual reality of the Camphill Communities in Callan, Co. Kilkenny, in Ireland. Guides to the arts, education, social housing, history of Camphill, newsletter, and Camphill links.
Camphill Communities of Ireland
Information on the organisation and its role in society.
Camphill Communities Ontario
Camphill Communities Ontario is part of an international movement that establishes life-sharing communities to meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities.
Camphill Triform
An educational, therapeutic community for young adults with special needs, founded in 1979. The mission of Triform is to build a vital community life that provides each person the posibility for healing, self-development and fulfillment of potential.
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills
Village Kimberton Hills was founded in 1972 and is a residential community providing high quality, comprehensive care for adults with developmental disabilities. Located on a beautiful 430-acre farm in Kimberton in Chester County, Kimberton Hills offers adults with special needs the opportunity to learn new skills and make meaningful contributions to their community.
Camphill Village USA, Inc, Copake New York
A family community of 225 people, Camphill Village provides a well-rounded, meaningful life for adults with developmental disabilities, called villagers, and families and individuals - co-workers - who serve as full-time volunteers. Together we live on a beautiful 700 acre site in Copake, New York, surrounded by woods, farmland, gardens, orchards, ponds and pastures.
Community Homestead
Community Homestead is a non-profit organization set up in 1995 "to establish and maintain a community so that disabled people may reach their fullest human potential"
Homepage Britain and Ireland
Communities of mutual care providing supportive backgrounds where each can fulfill their potential within an atmosphere of interdependence and respect The Camphill approach and history. Camphill pages (a magazine in pdf format)
Motse Wa Badiri Camphill
A Camphill community located in Botswana which offers employment and vocational training to adults with mental and physical disabilities. It is able to offer these services through the operation of four income generating workshops; a sorghum mill, a knitting workshop, a tree and plant nursery and a hearing aid workshop.
Pennine Camphill Community home page
A Camphill community supporting a therapeutic community and college for people with learning difficulties. Pennine is part of the Camphill Movement whose aims are to form communities to include those in need of special care or who have learning difficulties or other disadvantages.
Vidaråsen Landsby - Homepage
Vidaråsen Landsby is a village community for mentally handicapped people, situated in the southern part of Norway. The village is in the countryside, surrounded by hills covered in forest .
The English language section of The "Lebensgemeinschaft" St. Luc * Freiheithof * Vaudésy , a community in Germany and Switzerland initiated in 1979, where people can join and work with the developmentally handicapped to share their lives with them and help them realize their destinies.