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Ars Falcis
A resource for necromancers. Their purpose is to illuminate the way for the prospective necromancers and provide an information resource for those already initiated in the arts of death magic.
Azrael Project Online
Encounters with the Angel of Death, necromantic practice, art and literature.
Hebrew Terms: Necromancy
Judaeo-Christian concepts and Hebrew terminology defined with regard to Necromancy.
History of Necromancy
The history of the art from a practitioner's point of view.
Internet Book of Shadows: Necromancy (reprint)
Extensive article on the art of Necromancy.
History of this art with Bible references from a Catholic perspective.
Provides general information about Necromancy.
Necromancy: The Art of Thanatos
History and use of Thanatos by author Michelle Belanger.
Occultopedia: Necromancy
Information about Necromancy with related links.
RealMagick Article: Necromancy 101 by Leilah Wende
Dispelling the myths which surround Necromancy.
The Library of Knowledge - Advanced Death Magic
An article on the use of death magic.
The Mystica: Necromancy
Brief overview on the history and meaning of Necromancy.
Wikipedia: Necromancy
Article describing the art and history of Necromancy.