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A Comparison Between H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bail
The Pseudo-Occultism of Mrs. A. Bailey. A thorough comparison of the Secret Doctrine with two books by A.B.
Alice Bailey
A critical but non-biased biography of Alice Bailey.
Alice Bailey-Book Excerpts
A collection of excerpts from a 1978 compilation of the esoteric, spiritual and philosophical writings of Alice Bailey.
Alice Bailey: Portrait of Leo Rising
An esoteric interpretation of the astrological chart of Alice A. Bailey.
Esoteric Philosophy
Various works by Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul.
Global Theosophy - H. P. Blavatsky versus Alice A.
A defence of A.A.B.
Glossary: glamour
In esoteric teachings the word glamour has a particular meaning. Bailey defines it as mental illusion when intensified by desire, occurring on the astral plane.
Lucis Trust
Founded by Alice and Foster Bailey. Includes mission statement and extensive philosophy, events calendar, publishing catalogue, plus information about Alice Bailey and meditation practices.
Master Djwhal Kuhl
Dedicated to the spread of the teachings of this Ascended Master. Includes events listing, monthly lesson and archive, message board, and chat room.
Newlight : The Return of the Christ
New Age teachings taken from the twenty-four books written by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul. They refer to the Second Coming of Christ and to the return of the Lord Maitraya.
Quotes of Alice Bailey
Excerpts from her works, presented in an almost interview like style.
The Tibetan
Information on Djwhal Khul, channeled through Alice Bailey during the period 1919-1949.
The Watchman Expositor: Alice Bailey Profile
A biography on Bailey, with rebuttals on some of her ideas using the Bible as a source.