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Astrology and Magic of Giordano Bruno
Biography and introduction to the astrology and magic of Bruno. Includes links to examples of astrological talismans under Bruno's methods and a Latin book online.
Bruno, Giordano
From Encyclopedia.com
Bruno, Giordano
Short biography with a number of links.
Bruno, Giordano
Details of his family, work and life.
Giordano Bruno
From the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Giordano Bruno
Essay describing the life and death of Bruno, as a martyr for free thought.
Giordano Bruno
Dedicated to the great philosopher Giordano Bruno.
Giordano Bruno
A biography and some images.
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)
From the Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives. Online texts.
Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia
A short but informative biography with links to related themes.
Giordano Bruno Collection
A collection of what historians and Freethinkers have said about Giordano Bruno.
Giordano Bruno, 1548-1600
A brief page of Giordano Bruno links.
Giordano Bruno, The Forgotten Philosopher
Offers three different perspectives on his life and works.
Great Theosophists--Giordano Bruno (23 of 29)
Giordano from a theosophical perspective.
MSN Learning & Research: Bruno, Giordano
An Encarta Encyclopedia article.
Rome Celebrates Heretic Monk
BBC News story: His execution is declared an error by the Pope.
The Folly of Giordano Bruno
A critical perspective from the SETI League, a nonprofit organization devoted to privatizing the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.
The Folly of Giordano Bruno
An essay giving a more critical view of what happened to Giordano.