english deutsch
Did John Dee really sell the Voynich Manuscript to
An article disputing John Dee's alleged sale of the mysterious Voynich Manuscript to Emperor Rudolf II.
Elizabethan Review - Madoc/Dee Article
An article from the Elizabethan Review concerning John Dee's assertion of the right of the British Crown to lay claim to lands in North America, as put forward in his "Brytannici Imperii Limites" manuscript.
Encyclopedia Britannica 1911 Edition: John Dee
An outline history of John Dee's life.
Esoteric Archives: Writings of John Dee
Illustrated texts of various of John Dee's writings, including much pertaining to Enochian magick.
John Dee and Astrological Physics
A chapter from a book on astronomy and astrology, which discusses aspects of John Dee's "Hieroglyphic Monad" from a mathematical perspective.
John Dee and the English Calendar: Science, Relig
This paper deals with the English rejection of the Gregorian calendar in 1583 and John Dee?s proposal for calendar reform, seeking to set this episode in its cultural, political and intellectual context.
John Dee and the Secret Societies
A detailed essay on John Dee's contacts and possible involvement with the secret societies of the Elizabethan era, originally published in The Hermetic Journal.
John Dee, the Queen's Astrologer
A biographical sketch of John Dee from the occult standpoint.
Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition - John De
An article on John Dee written from the perspective of the Western Mystery Tradition.
Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee: the Original 007
Considers the relationship between John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon, with notes upon the OO7 symbol.
The Galileo Project: John Dee
A categorized outline of John Dee's life, including details on his education, scientific involvements, patronage, etc.
The Hieroglyphic Monad
The illustrated Hamilton-Jones translation of Dee's "Hieroglyphic Monad".
The Invisible Basilica: John Dee
A brief article on the Elizabethan magician John Dee as one of the Saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
The John Dee Society
Contains a biography of John Dee by Charlotte Fell Smith (1909), and a thesis entitled "John Dee Studied as an English neo-Platonist" by I.R.F. Calder (1952).
The Life and Works of Dr. John Dee
A short biographical essay on John Dee.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive: John
A brief biographical sketch of John Dee from a mathematical perspective.
The Rosicrucian Archive: Dr. John Dee - The R+C Le
An exploration of John Dee's influences on the Rosicrucian movement from an intellectual and cultural perspective.