english deutsch
Jones, Charles Stansfield
Frater Achad, The Unpublished Works of Frater Achad
Parsons, Jack
Avatar of the Eleventh Hour, Jack Parsons, Jack Parsons and the Curious Origins of the Americ
Reese, Charles
Ebony Anpu's Memorial Museum of Magick, Ebony's Greater Feast, The Hawk and Jackal Texts, The Magick of Charles Reese
Hymenaeus Alpha: In Memoriam
Brief history on Grady McMurty, better known as Hymaneus Alpha who served as Caliph in the O.T.O. from 1962 until his death in 1985.
Karl Kellner
Early history of the protagonists of the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Leah Hirsig
Biography of Leah Hirsig.
Leila Waddell
Priestess, musician, scarlet woman and inspiration for many of Crowley's writings.
Rabelais: The First Thelemite
History of Rabelais and introduction of his concept of Thelema, which is considered the predecessor of modern day Thelema.
The Legacy of Jane Wolfe
Biography of Jane Wolfe and details her contributions to magick and Thelema.
The Magickal Diary of Alostrael
Record of the visions and magickal work of Leah Hirsig (Soror Alostrael) while living in Cefalu; the Abbey of Thelema.