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Discussion of Current Issues
Article expresses concern on the depleting reserves of the Shaiva scholarship in the country
Kali Mandir
Role of Kali.
Kashmir Monistic Shaivism
Articles on the roots, prospect and retrospect, and other aspects of Kashmir Shaivism. Includes information on Tantrism in Kashmir.
Kashmir Saivism Fellowship
The history and philosophy of Kashmir Saivism. Includes a photo gallery and download of books by Swami Lakshman Joo Maharaj and John Hughes.
Kashmir Shaivism
Trika Shaivism is a form of Hindu religion that believes in one God called ParamaShiva.
Kashmir Shaivism
A comparative overview.
Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta
Brief description of the works of Abhinavagupta.
Reading List
Books relating to Kashmir Shaivism.
Shiva Sutras
Translations of a central text for the Kashmiri Shaiva religion.
Tantric Shiavism
Article regarding the Trika philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism.