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Divine Sport Productions
Presenting a documentary on the life and work of Meher Baba, and a film in production based on Baba's keynote book 'God Speaks'.
Gateway Mediaworks
Production and sales of Meher Baba related media, including videos and pamphlets.
Lord Meher
Searchable online text of a 20-volume biography of Meher Baba.
Love Street Bookstore
Catalog of books and other media organized around interest in Meher Baba. Ordering information.
Meher Baba Film Archive International
MEFA deals in conservation, restoration and access to moving images relating to Meher Baba's life and work.
Meher Baba Library
Archive group in Southern California provide mail order rental service for VHS tapes dealing with Baba history and his people. Catalog and request form.
Sales of Meher Baba related books, videos, audio, and paintings. Ordering information.
Sheriar Books
Catalog of literature by or about Meher Baba. Shopping cart for books, videos, music, photographs and art prints. Kids section.