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India, United States, Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore, Vedanta Centre UK, Vedanta Society of Toronto, Vedantic Centre, Geneva, Switzerland, Vivekananda Centre, London
Advaita Ashrama
Information about the Ashram and the Ramakrishna Order; official journal (Prabuddha Bharata) available online; mail order for all of the books published by this organisation (in West Bengal, India).
Daily Sutras from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Daily sutras plus 100 selected quotations sorted by topic.
Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
Provides biographies of all the direct disciples and brief extracts from their teaching.
Poems of Swami Vivekananda
English translation of the poems written By Swami Vivekananda.
Ramakrishna and Christ: Paul Hourihan
Comparison of the lives and mysticism of Ramakrishna and Jesus Christ.
Resources on Vivekananda and Vedanta
Dedicated to making the ideas of Vivekananda accessible to all. Includes a series of interactive lecture summaries, biographical information and a bibliography.
Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda: SRV Associations
Provides information on the philosophical systems of Vedanta, Yoga, Tantra, Kundalini and other teachings comprising the Sanatana Dharma, and offering inspiration from these three Holy Personages and their devotees.
Sri Ramakrishna
Biography of the saint and his teachings.
Sri Ramakrishna : Kathamrita
An on line translation of the original book on Sri Ramakrishna.
Sri Sarada Devi
Biography of the teacher who is considered an avatar of Kali
Sri Sarada Mandiram
Information pertaining to and/or originating from the Sarada, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda tradition.
Sri Sri Ramakrishna: Daily Sutras
Offers a daily sutra excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.
Swami Gambhirananda
An on-line book exploring the life and spirit of Swami Gambhirananda, one of the most prolific Vedantic scholars and explainers. He was eleventh President of Ramakrishna Mission.
Swami Vivekananda
Lectures and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Includes articles on Vedanta.
Swami Vivekananda
Biography of this Indian spiritual leader including excerpts from his most famous writings.
Swami Vivekananda
Lectures and writings of Swamiji. Includes photographs, reminiscences of others,newspaper accounts and notices.
Swami Vivekananda: World's Parliament of Reli
The speech made by Swamiji to the World's Parliament of Religions in 1893.
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
All the nine volumes of Swamiji's published works available on line.
The Making of a Devotee
Complete text of the autobiography of Swami Vidyatmananda (John Yale), disciple of Swami Prabhavananda (who was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda, in turn one of Sri Ramkrishna's disciples).
The Ramakrishna Movement
The four streams of the Ramakrishna movement, mission and their activities.
The Bengali magazine of the Ramkrishna Math and Mission started by Swami Vivekananda in January 1899. Includes the history of the magazine and the house which was the Calcutta residence of Maa Sarada Devi.
Vedanta WebSpot
Information about Vedanta philosophy related to Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Sarada Devi. Includes poems, a calendar of events, and links of interest.
Vedanta West Communications
Devoted to Vedantism and the elucidation and awareness of Vedantic beliefs. Music and theatre based on religious texts.