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'Milestone' Document Passed on Jewish-Ch
The 38th General Council of The United Church of Canada has approved a 'milestone' document on the church's relations with the Jewish community that acknowledges a history of anti-Semitism within Christianity.
2000 Years: Relations Between Catholics and Jews B
An academic paper by Thomas G. Lederer. Addresses Christianity and anti-semitism; the theological implications of the Vatican II document _Nostra Aetate_.
Bearing Faithful Witness - United Church - Jewish
A table of contents and overview.. The full document can also be downloaded from this location.
Bridging the Judeo-Christian Gap
An attempt to examine the common ground between Christianity and Judaism.
Canadian Council of Christians and Jews
A national, non-sectarian organization dedicated to promoting cultural, racial and religious equality among the people of Canada through the development and implementation of education and research initiatives.
Come my Beloved -- From Shoah to Shalom
Collection of articles and links that a)take an honest look at the tragic ways traditional Christian understandings of the origin of Christianity and the appropriate way of practicing Christianity have poisoned the relationship between Christians and Jews, and b)provide resources toward a future of shared efforts to follow God's call and serve the cause of love, peace, justice, and freedom.
Current attempts to convert Jews to Christianity
Argues that evangelical efforts aimed at converting Jews are unethical and should be abandoned.
Dialogue of Head and Heart
The executive director of the Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations in Cambridge debates with the associate director for the American bishops' secretariat of ecumenical and interreligious affairs debate Vatican document Dominus Iesus' implications for Jewish-Christian relations. Requires free registration to view.
General Synod XXIII Resolutions: Anti-Semitism
Text of a United Church of Christ resolution.
International Council of Christians and Jews
Umbrella organisation of 30 national organizations worldwide devoted to Jewish-Christian dialogue.
International Service of Jewish-Christian Document
International Jewish-Christian journal; Info Biblical, Rabbinic, Theological; Vatican/Israel relations, Rome Ghetto, Interfaith Dialogue, Interreligious education, Jewish tradition/roots, Antisemitism.
Jewish- Christian Relations
Multi-lingual site by the International Council of Christians and Jews. Articles, news, and organizations relating to unity, cooperation, ecumenism, and evangelism.
Jewish-Christian Relations: Recommended Links &
Bibliography and recommended links. Compiled by Christopher Blosser.
National Jewish Scholars Project - Institute for
A nonprofit educational organization whose mission focuses on the task of disarming religious prejudice by establishing models of interfaith understanding.
The Ecumenical Institute for Jewish-Christian Stud
Founded in 1982 by Rev. Dr. James R. Lyons to provide an atmosphere for study in Jewish-Christian relations that would impact local churches and synagogues.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jew
Founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein to promote greater understanding between Jews and Christians and to build Christian support for Israel and other shared concerns.
The Silence of Canadian Protestant Churches - Anti
Article in the Canadian Jewish News.