english deutsch
A Collection of D'Vrei Torah on the Weekly S
Divrei Torah on the Parsha of the week written by Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum. Inspiring words to illuminate your Shabbat.
A Taste of Torah
Rabbi Avi Weiss of the Riverdale Jewish Center
Anshe Emes Parsha Page
Parsha thoughts from Gadolei Yisroel compiled by Fred Toczek. Perfect for printing and use at your Shabbos tisch.
Chabad.org - Parsha
Articles for every level, including "Parshah in a Nutshell", "Text of Parshah with Rashi", "Parshah in Depth" and "From the Chassidic Masters".
Chumash - Intelligent Concept Search
Search tool for words (English) and synonyms in the text of the Torah and Rashi's commentary (plus additional text notes).
Divrei Beit Hillel Torah
The weekly parsha publication of the students at the University of Pennsylvania
Divrei Torah- Commentaries
Shamash's archived divrei Torah.
Hadrash Ve-Haiyun - Weekly Torah Parsha Page
Torah insights on the weekly Parshah, by Efraim Levine.
Hamaayan / The Torah Spring
Essays on the weekly parsha.
HaReshima: Parsha Resources
A comprehensive list of Diveri Torah and weekly comments on parsha. This list contains sites from rabbis and Torah scholars from all over the world.
Jacobs Shabbat Learning Center
A master index to parasha-based Torah learning on the internet. Has subject, author, and parsha index to dozens of sites and resources.
Navigating the Bible
Translation, with commentary, in English, Spanish, and Russian. Also has audio files of Torah reading, haftorot, Biblical Atlas, and more resources.
Nechama Leibowitz Gilyonot
Gilyonot and study guides, with answers, to parshat hashavua, from the work of Nechama Leibowitz.
NER Educational Publications
Archive of short parsha notes - NCSY
Parashat HaShavuah Archive
Ismar Schorsch of the Jewish Theological Seminary (Conservative), including multiple-year archives, some haftorot, and holidays. Includes Torah and haftara text translation.
Parsha Archives of the VBM
Collection of parsha articles originally mailed by the Virtual Beit Midrash, written by faculty of Yeshivat Har Etzion. The basic orientation is text-analysis.
Parshat HaShavua
Various articles about this week's Torah reading. From the UAHC (Reform). Updated weekly.
Rabbi Ari Kahn - Weekly Parsha Sheet
A shiur on Parshat HaShavua, based on Midrash and Zohar.The author teaches at Bar Ilan University.
Rashi Yomi
This site's goal is to explain all 8000 Rashis on Chumash using database methods. We fully defend all Rashis using simple grammatical rules.
Rav Kook on the Weekly Torah Portion, Holidays, &a
Thoughts and insights taken from the writings of Rav A.I. Kook, and organized according to the Weekly Torah Portion, Tehillim (Psalms), and Jewish Holidays.
Sermons The Year 'Round by Rabbi Bernard L. B
Full-text of sermon book on all parshiot of the Torah.
Shma Yisrael Parshas HaShavua Collection
A collection of 19 different weekly parsha commentaries, from a variety of different approaches.
Shurim of Rav Soloveitchik on parshat hashavua
A collection of transcribed tapes from public lectures of Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, the leading scholar of Modern Orthodox American Judaism. The transcriptions vary in quality.
Thoughts on the Weekly Torah Reading
Traditional commentary on the weekly parsha.
Torah from Dixie, Inc.
Torah Portion of the week - by Reb Yosef
Weekly thoughts on the Torah portion of the week.
Torah.net - Parshiot
Divrei Torah on each Parsha as well as the Parshas read on Yom Tovim (holidays).
Weekly Dvar
A collection of short, practical Dvar Torahs on the weekly Parsha.
Weekly Parsha from Yeshiva Ohr Somayach
Site includes Parsha, Parsha Q&A, and other weekly publications
Yeshivat HaMivtar Parsha
A parsha and Rashi class by Rabbi Brovender, emphasizing how to read and understand the commentary.