english deutsch
A Page of Talmud
Description and explanation of the layout of a traditional page of the Talmud.
Daf Yomi in Italian, translation ad comment.
Daf Yomi in Hebrew: Presented by the Rav Avraham S
The daily Daf Yomi in Hebrew presented by the Rav Avraham Smadja [streaming and downloaded real audio files]
Daf Yomi In Yiddish
Daf HaYomi in Yiddish provides daily lessons in the Talmud and Gemorra in the Yiddish Language.
Daf Yomi Resources (HaReshima)
a comprehensive list of Daf Yomi sites.
Daf Yomi with Rashi Embedded,
The Gemara Daf-Yomi with embedded Rashi, paragraphed and punctuated. All of Seder Nashim, Baba Kama, Baba Metsia, Baba Basra to current Daf, Taanith and Rosh Hashana.
Dafyomi Advancement Forum
Comprehensive site dedicated to supplying free, multi-level study material and lists of resources for those studying Talmud according to the 7-year Dafyomi cycle.
Online copy of original Talmud (in Gif format), page by page.
Kolell Dirshu International, Cleveland Branch
Contains MP3 audio of daily Gemorah learning and information about the program.
Cyber-School for Adult Talmud Study directed by Rabbi Judith Abrams, dedicated to spiritually enlightening and intellectually honest study of Jewish texts.
Master Daf - Listen and Learn the Talmud
Series of lessons on the entire Babylonian Talmud by R. Avraham Kosman. Every word of the Talmud is read in its original, translated into English, and explained according to the basic meaning of the text. Paid subscription service.
Mishna Yomi
Daily learning of Mishna (2 a day), in text and shockwave audio
Online Talmud Study With Text and Audio
Streaming audio Talmud classes with simultaneous text, from California Chabad.
The Structured Mishnah
"Hamishnah C'Darcah" is a new color-coded structured edition of the Mishnah. The full text appears on the site as well as articles on the structure of the Torah and the Mishnah.
Alphabetical topical index to the [Babylonian] Talmud.