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165, Gematria and Astrological Factors
Speculations on the gematria of the number 165, Sabbatai Zevi and the "messianic cycle".
Bible Codes Research
Based on the "The Bible Code" by Michael Droshin, includes free code search form.
Bible Codes: The Real Story
Information and resources relating the Torah code research.
Meru Organization
The Meru Project is based on 25 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis.
Randall Ingermanson's Bible Code Site
By the author of "Who Wrote the Bible Code?": reviews the Bible code; book reviews.
Scientific Refutation of the Bible Codes
Examines the Bible Codes, also called Torah Codes, from the point of view of the mathematicians and other experts who have examined them critically.
Slate: Cracking God's Code
Article discussing the research done on the Torah codes and examining the possibility of scientific truth behind this phenomenon.
The Torah Codes
Free software for finding hidden messages in scripture. Also periodic newsletter.
Torah Codes
Doron Witztum is one of the author's of the original "Statistical Science" article presenting the Torah codes theory. The site details his side in the ongoing controversy, focusing mostly on the statistical justification for the method.