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Behind a Cult and Cloning
New York Times article recounts the history of the Raelians and compares the movement to some historical antecedents, including the Oneida Community. [Requires free registration.]
Black Vault: Cloning
Behind the plan to replicate humans is a small, sci-fi-tinged religion that preaches UFOs and promises eternal life through cloning.
Raelian-affiliated company established to clone humans. Includes information about cloning, details of the company's technology, and news releases.
Clone Ranger
Village Voice author Rebecca Segall interviews a Raelian and discusses the movement's reception in New York City and in the scientific community.
International Committee Against Christian Calenda
Raelian initiative to convince the United Nations to convert from the "Christian calendar" to a system that is not related to any religious tradition.
New Age Cult Clones Yanni
Mark Yarenz, writing for Ridiculopathy.com, presents a satirical look at the Raelian's cloning activities.
Of Free Love, Extraterrestrials and Masturbation
Article in the Toronto Globe and Mail describes the beliefs of the movement and discusses its attempt to clone humans.
Out of This World
Guardian Unlimited article about the relationship between the Raelian movement and the company, Clonaid, which is attempting to clone humans.
Raël Love
Salon.com writer Taras Gresco relates experience with a gathering of Raelians and describes the movement's beliefs and history.
Profile of the Raelian Movement, links with abstracts, and a print bibliography. From the New Religious Movements Homepage.
The Rael Deal
Article by Susan J. Palmer, a religion teacher who is writing a book about the Rael cult, discusses the movement's history and its involvement in human cloning.
The Raelian Revolution
Official website for the Raelian Movement. Includes descriptions of beliefs and positions, organization structure, and intiatives; information for prospective members; and online sale of books and e-books.
Information about and video tour of this structure in Quebec, construction of which was inspired by the messages that Rael received from an extraterrestrial visitor. Also includes general information about the Raelian movement and its beliefs.
Who is Rael? And What Does He Want From Us?
GoGo Magazine profile of the founder of the International Raelian Movement.