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Archive Press
Publishers of new age and metaphysical books and training material. Also offer conferences and workshops.e
Blue Dolphin Publishing
Books on comparative cultural and spiritual traditions, pyschology, self-help, healing and ecology. Includes online catalog with new releases section and ordering information.
Broqueville Publishing
Books and courses that cover the development of the soul and the true or authentic self.
Connections Publishing
Titles across the new age, alt health and divination range, specialising in boxed kits and gift sets.
CW Daniel
Independent publishers of books on alternative healing, metaphysical and new age subjects - aromatherapy is a particular speciality.
Darkhorse Press
Small press and web publisher of spiritual and creative books. Features essays, guest writer profiles, archives and ordering information.
Daughters of the Moon
Publisher of books and gifts on Wicca, astrology, tarot and the magical arts.
DeVorss Publications
Metaphysical, inspirational, spiritual, self-help and new age books.
Empyrean Quest Publishers
Books in the new-science, alternative medicine, new-age, esoteric, oriental, and metaphysical fiction genres.
Epinoc Publishing
Delivering the words of both an enlightened master and a mystic. Includes samples of the channelled material.
Findhorn Press
Publisher of books on spiritual inspiration, healing, guidance, nature and transformation.
Foundations of Light Publishing
"Honoring the Hermit" series which promotes increasing spiritual awareness.
Gaia Books
Books on environmental issues, natural health, mind, body spirit and environmentally friendly and sustainable living styles. Articles and discussion forum.
Genuine Publishing
Booklets dealing with spiritual enlightenment topics including healing, religious change, and philosophy.
Gothic Image
Publishers of esoteric and alternative books based in Glastonbury, England. Includes new titles section and booklists by author and by subject.
Hampton Roads Publishing Company
Publisher of books on metaphysical subjects including visionary fiction, complementary and alternative medicine, self-help, science, and spiritual discovery.
Hay House
Well known international publisher for the self-help, spiritual and transformation fields.
Insomniac Press
Publications by Samantha Stevens including Psychic Self Defense and a Guide to Archangels. Also offers calendars.
Jim Wasserman Books
Books on the occult.
JZK Publishing
Specializing in the Library of Ancient Wisdom, containing the lost knowledge of ascended masters brought back by Ramtha the Enlightened One.
Kima Global Publishers
Specializing in personal development, healing, metaphysics, and holistic lifestyle titles.
Light and Ariel Press
Books and tapes on enlightenment and light working. Also offers a calendar of events and message board.
Llewellyn Worldwide
International new age, pagan, divination and alternative health publisher. Also home to Fate Magazine and New Worlds bookstore, and plenty of information for would-be new age authors.
Mandeville Press
Publishes works that offer a contemporary look at the teachings of the spiritual heart and the ancient wisdom of soul transcendence.
Matrix of Mnemosyne
Speciality books about social issues, metaphysics, mythology, and ancient history.
Namaste Publishing
Books, audio, and video of transformational topics highlighting represented authors and speakers.
New Paradigm Books Online
Publisher of books including topics such as time travel, channeling, gurus and psychic abilities. Author profiles, company news and bookstore.
North Atlantic Books
Berkeley-based publisher of cutting-edge books on spirituality, metaphysics, alternative medicine, martial arts and personal growth.
Oneworld Publications
Categories include world religions, multifaith studies, mysticism, inspirational writing, psychology and self-help. Oneworld titles are distributed worldwide by Penguin.
Open Group Publishing
New age, occult and paranormal books.
Serenity Hill Press
Offering titles about spiritual investigations. Includes current titles and authors, news, and publisher overview.
Publisher of 'Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, a Biography' and distributor of the works of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. Related products and services in natural health and spiritual development.
The Spiritual Bookstore
Titles by Jack Haas exploring the mysteries of humanity, nature, and the balance between the two.
Wisdom Impressions
Publishers of The Nature of the Soul by Lucille Cedercrans.
Yogi Impressions
Offering spiritually oriented books with an eastern theme, which seek to revive mass interest in new age philosophies and enhance the quality of human life.
Zambezi Publishing
Publishers of Mind, Body and Spirit books, articles and data.