english deutsch
Anglo-Saxon Heathenism
Deals with the pre-Christian religion of the Anglo-Saxons. Includes timeline, articles, rituals, rune information, poetry, and related resources.
Geleafawær Fyrn Sida
A religious society dedicated to teaching and fostering the ideas, customs, values and philosophy of the heathen Germanic peoples.
The Holyward Guild, an organization to promote and support the practice of Heathen faith within the Anglo-Saxon Eldright. Features information, events, prayers, rituals, articles, and training.
House Wodening Web Site
A collection of articles dedicated to Anglo-Saxon heathendom and the related faith of Asatru.
Miercinga Ríce
A group dedicated to the study, revival, and practice of the pre-Christian religion of the Angles of the kingdom of Mercia. Features history, organization information, events list and discussion boards.
Thor's Hearth
The West Yorkshire hearth of the Odinist Fellowship. They meet regulary for seasonal celebrations
Anglo Saxon heathen folklore and community, with an emphasis on classical runic artwork.