english deutsch
Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation
By Bede. L.C. Jane translation. E-text at the Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Each book in its own file, with links to the others.
Ertha, the Germanic Earth Goddess
By Tacitus, excerp from "The Works of Tacitus", The Oxford Translation.
Heimskringla - The Chronicles of the Kings of Norw
Originally written in Old Norse, 1225 A.D., by the poet and historian Snorri Sturluson. English translation by Samuel Laing (London, 1844).
Ibn Fadlan and the Rusiyyah
Translated by James E. Montgomery of the Cambridge University.
Jordanes - The Origin and Deeds of the Goths
Translated by Charles C. Mierow. Full e-text.
Tacitus on Germany
Project Gutenberg e-text. Translated by Thomas Gordon.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
Complete modern English translation published by the Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL).
The Danish History, Books I - IX
Originally written in Latin in the early years of the 13th Century A.D. by the Danish historian Saxo Gramaticus, translated to English by Oliver Elton.
The Heathen Temple at Uppsala
Abstracted from Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum.