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Ásatrú Page
With links to sagas, mythology, organizations and information about Asatru.
Home of the Heathen
A site for anyone interested in Asatru. With music, resources, essays, and a growing Asatru FAQ.
Norse Mythology
Introduction to the main characters and tales of Norse mythology with bibliography by Nicole Cherry.
Norse Mythology
From Encyclopedia Mythica. Vast number of articles on Norse gods.
With articles about Germanic culture, religion, language, warfare, history, art, and society.
The Blot
Information on why and how to do an Asatru Blot.
The Seekers Collective
An open community for those seeking to explore all aspects of heathenism. With discussion board, articles, book reviews, and links.
The Viking Answer Lady
With questions and answers on Viking culture, religion, and society.
Myths, folktales and ballads from the Faroe Islands and other Nordic countries.
With historic texts, essays, poetry, and links.