english deutsch
Earth Air Fire Water
Offers information, spells, and chants and links related to witchcraft and magick.
Information on runes, Earth Dance 2000, tree meanings and various spiritual ideas.
Eldritch's Crypt
Information on the celtic pagans, their history, beliefs, practices, and sabats. Also includes a Celtic Book of shadows.
Reverend Gwynn Elessacar invites you to join him in investigating the ancient and modern spiritual paths of paganism, pantheism and the way of the warrior, as well as his relationship with the Morrighan (Morrigan, Morrigu).
Elizabeth's Magick Herbal Garden
Use of positive herbal magick, recipes and rituals.
Ellie's Nest
Information on sabbats, correspondences, historical witchcraft, witchcraft for beginners.
Eowyn's World of Wicca
A collection of spells, poetry, chants, a creation story as well as information on altar setup, sabbats and deities.
Epona's Way Pagan Pages
Information, links, and free learning tools related to Paganism and Wicca. Also offers an open reader's forum for literary and visual art; submissions accepted from general public.