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Magick and Mischief
Contains spells, charms, chants and various pagan oriented topics.
Magickal Shadow
Discusses Magick, Witchcraft and Paganism and includes a time line of events of the Salem Witch Trials, and various rants on a wide range of topics.
Mama's Whispers
Faery Pagan with goth leanings. Poetry, goddess articles, links and images.
Midnite Gale
Features ancient Norse poetry, Runes and Magick, information about Asatru and Heathenry, some ritual material and a Heathen contacts list.
Moon-Lit Garden
An online book of shadows, recipes, information, and definitions.
Moonbeams and Dewdrops
Miscellaneous pagan information, a Book of Shadows, links and personal information.
Moonfire's Home Page
An online resource for Wiccans and pagans.
MoonWillow's Grove
An information haven for Wiccans and all Pagans, with sections on Celtic Deities, meditation, spells and rituals.
Morganell's Glen
A Celtic HearthCrafter Circle for women.
Mystic Caverns
Large resource for Witches and related paths. Includes links, spells, book of shadows and bio of author.
Mystic's Pagan Forum
Large collection of magick using tools. Generic faq on Wicca and some personal reflections.
The Marked Pagan Page
Information on paganism for those seeking a path in the Old Religion.
The Secret Realm of Maeve Silvermoon
A pagan webpage with many portals, including information on the Sidhe and other Fae.