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A Pagan Home
Information and resources for pagans. Updated often.
A Pagan's Playground
A site dedicated to help pagans on their journey through spiritualism.
A Poem to Hecate, Goddess
A short, original, poem to the Goddess Hecate.
Online Pagans
Promoting understanding about all Pagan paths.
Pagan and Proud
Information on runes, herbs, magick and an online temple. Also chat rooms, pagan E cards and other services.
Pagan Australian
Exploring Pagan lifestyles in Australia.
Pagan Book Reviews
A place where you can add your own review of pagan books as well as check out what has been said by others. Each book has a simple poll that generates a 1 to 5 Pentacle rating or write out a detailed review.
Pagan Bullies
Pagans who bully other Pagans within the Community, and what can be done about them.
Pagan Fish
Remember the "Fish Wars?" Introducing the new Pagan Fish. Offers a Druid Fish and an Asatru Fish.
Pagan Hearth Recipes
A Pagan/Wiccan on-line cook book, for the kitchen-witch in all of us.
Pandora's Box
Includes a variety of information about the occult, spirituality, and paganism.
Pendlewrenn`s Page
Thoughts on magik and Pagan religions.
The Painted Leaf Pagan Resource Page
Traditional perspective on paganism, including a calendar, book of shadows, poetry, and current events in the pagan world.
The Pristine Path
Information for the practicing Pagan and Wiccan, including runes, a pagan almanac, gemestones, chat room, herbalism, current pagan issues, and The Pristine Path Ritual Creation Guide.