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A Teen Beltaine, Bardic Beltane Ritual, Celebrating The Seasons, Lughnasadh, Lughnasadh, Lughnasadh Ritual Group, Mabon Ritual Solitary, Ostara, Ostara Ritual Page, Ostara Ritual Solitary
Handfastings & Pagan Weddings, Pagan Love And Romance
Creating Your Own Rituals - Witchy Crypt
Article on the creation of rituals. Covers Type, Timing, References, Phase, Purpose, Ingredients, Preparation and basic information on using these to create a ritual.
Electric Witch - Circle Rituals
Information covering casting, calling the quarters, consecrating the athame, grounding and purification.
Neo-Pagan Burial Ritual
Discusses actions immediately after death, preparation of the body, shrouding, preparation of the burial site, and other concerns.
Prosperity Ritual
The Prosperity ritual is very very intense. Guides the user through the ritual and requirements for the ritual.
Self-Dedication Ritual - Magick Cauldron
Simple ritual outline, Designed for solitary practitioners. This ritual is used to dedicate the practitioner to their beliefs and learning.
The Pagan Library - Rituals
Comprehensive list of rituals covering the Sabbats, Love, Circle, Handfasting, Dedication and Initiation.
Wicca and Witchcraft
Covers sabbat rites, witchcraft, home blessings, herbal and candles.
Wiccan Ritual
Guide to creating a Ritual. Each step is outlined with the novice in mind. Also includes the great rite.
WyndSinger's Rites of Passage
Covers the Initiation from self, first degree, second degree and third degree initiation ritual outlines.
Xenex Book of Shadows - Rituals
Covers three different variations of the Invocation ritual.