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BeliMawr, Beltaine/Beltane, Beltane Sabbat, Beltane/May Day, Celebration of Mayday, Charlottesville Beltane Festival 2002, Irish Fire Festivals: Beltaine, Mystical World Wide Web - May, Pagan Carmina Gadelica 73, Pagan Carmina Gadelica 74
Imbolc/Candlemas, Irish Fire Festivals: Imbolc/An Fhéille Bhride, Moonstone and AquaAura Dreams
Celtic Symbols Shine at Harvest Time, Irish Fire Festivals: Lughnasadh, Lammas, Lughnasadh, Lughnasadh, Lughnasadh Dance, Lughnasadh Recipes, Lughnasadh, aka Lammas, The Harvest of the Grain
Mabon-Harvest Home
Autumn Greetings, Customs and Lore, Ideas for Mabon, Joyous Mabon, Mabon, Mabon Recipes, Mabon Sabbat and Lore, StormWing's Mabon Lore Page
Lady Hedgehog's Mid-Summer, Light and Dark Meet Again at Midsummer, Litha Sabbat, Sabbats - Litha, Summer Solstice, Summer Solstice (Astronomy), SummerSolstice2000
My Poetry - Ostara - Mist and Wings, Ostara, aka the Vernal Equinox, Song of the Otherworld is Heard In the Balance of , Spring Equinox
Chaos Awaits in the Dark Season of Samhain, Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead, Halloween: The Pagan Festival of Samhain, Irish Fire Festivals: Samhain, Samhain, Samhain (Halloween) - A Celebration, Samhain and All Hallows Eve, Samhain and Halloween Search Engine and Directory, Samhain as Witches Call It, Samhain Bonfire Burn Brightly Through Time
Ancient Origins: Yule, Yule - Winter Solstice, Yule Article
A Pagan Family's Celebration of the Pagan Hol
A Pagan family's celebration of the sabbats. Includes rituals, menus, recipes, photos.
Bewitching Ways
Overview of the wheel of the year.
BOS - Sabbats
Dates and brief lore.
Celebrating the Seasons
Written by Selena Fox, the page has information for the Sabbats, such as colors, Gods, Goddesses, tools, and energies.
Equinox and Solstice
Learn about the relationship of the Solstices and Equinoxes to modern holidays.
Merry Meet and Blessed Be
Contains information about the upcoming Sabbats, along with links to othe pages, and provides different links to dragon adoption agencies.
Norse Holidays and Festivals
A calendar of holidays followed by the Norse tradition.
The Witches' Sabbats
The official host site for Mike Nichols's beloved essays on the Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft, with folklore and calendar customs for each holiday.
What is the Wheel of the Year
An explanation of the Sabbats. By Taliesen Enion Vawr.
Wicca Holidays and Sabbats
Basic information about the Sabbats.