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Alexandria Temple/Universal Metaphysics
Wiccan/pagan church doing prison ministry. Offers correspondence ministry and pre-parole advice. Site has a page to help corrections personnel assess wiccan inmates' spiritual needs.
Covenant of the Pentacle Wiccan Church - ATC
Louisiana community offering handfastings, sabbat rituals and degreed classes. Site has upcoming events and general information about wicca.
Southern Delta Church of Wicca (SDCW) ATC
Brookland, Arkansas church offering full moon circles, sabbat rituals and classes. Comprehensive site that includes schedules and a page on wiccan parenting.
SpiralScouts International
Organization for pagan youth sponsored by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church. Website has information on organization, badges earned in the program and area contacts.
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church
Family-friendly church in Washington state dedicated to providing religious services and support to the larger Wiccan community. Offers a wide variety of services.
The Church of Caduceus - ATC
Interfaith Church of Wicca and Earth Spirited Religions in Elberon, New Jersey. Site has information on services and festivals. Affiliated with the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.
The Temple of Nine Wells - ATC
Wiccan church founded in 1992 by Laurie Cabot. Seeks to minister to wiccans in the Salem, Massachusetts area, and to promote understanding between wiccans and those of other faiths. Site offers general information on wicca and calendar of events.
WindTree Ranch
Arizona non-profit organization dedicated to ecumenical (interfaith) religious work and land conservation. Information on the group's approach to healing the earth through alternative spirituality and a "monastic residential healing home."