english deutsch
Sections on herbs, Faeries, and the kitchen.
Elder Jairamon
Founding Elder Jairamon's personal reflections on astrology and other musings.
Elspeth's Pagan Cottage
Paganism, herb lore and parenting.
Ericka's Magickal Homepage
Devoted to magick and witchcraft. From the history of the craft to spells and books.
Essence of a Goddess Witch
To change the misconceptions about wicca. Victorian based site. Links, teachings, graphics. A site about the true essence of being a witch.
The E-Altar
Includes Wiccan basics and beliefs, spell basics, book of shadows, information on altars, meditation and visualization, correspondences, and general definitions.
The Edge of the Earth
The experiences of a solitary Wiccan.
The Enchanted Grove
Information about Wicca, Stones, Herbs, and Druidism. Updated weekly.