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Garden Paradise
Lady Kesterel and Lord Jameson present their views on Wicca and other interests.
Glenn's Wiccan Pages
Various information on Wicca as well as topics such as tarot, runes, numerology, moon phases, crystals.
Goddess of the Vine
Information on Sabbats.
Grawolph's Den
Personal expression of Wicca. Includes an online Book of Shadows and general information.
Greenman's Craft and Candles
Here you will find information on our chosen path, Wicca. As well as information on candle magic and our custom made ritual candles.
Grove of Artemis Wiccan Church Homepage
Established for the purpose of sharing with the world the thoughts and feelings of their priest on Wicca and life in general.
GuardianStar's Place
A personal look at Wiccan ways with basic information about this path.