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Alder Stand, Coven Luna Rose, Coven of the Golden Zenith, Coven of the Silver Spiral, Coven of the Triple Moon, Galdraheim Coven, Na Fineachan an Solas, Quicksilver Coven, The Wellhead, Thunder Oak Coven
StarFire Rising
Internet home of the StarKindler Kin, a British Traditional Wiccan group. Includes articles, teaching materials, and other resources for Wiccans.
The Alexandrian Book of Shadows
Full text of the public domain version of the Alexandrian BOS. Contains tenets, the rede, initiations, consecration of tools, Esbats, Sabbats, and miscellanous notes.
The Alexandrian Tradition
Concise description of the tradition, its history and characteristics, with a short reading-list.
The Alexandrian Wiccans Web Ring
Bringing together the various lines of Alexandrian Wicca, in the hope of weaving the ties of kinship between us.
The Guardian
A defunct newsletter for Alexandrian initiates; links to past isues.
The Mystica
Informative article listed about Alex Sanders, the founder of the Alexandrian Tradition.
The Mystica: Sanders, Alexander
A biography of the founder of the Alexandrian Tradition.