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Coven of the Green Goddess
Circle of Aradia
Dianic circle providing education and services to Los Angeles area women. Site has calendar of public rituals, classes and festivals. Local chapter of the Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess International.
Daughters of the Goddess
Dianic womyn-only Goddess Temple in the San Francisco Bay Area dedicated to honoring Multicultural Goddesses through rituals, public ceremony and Womyn's Mysteries in the Spirit of Aloha. Site has information on events, a newsletter and other information on the group and on Dianic Wicca.
Dianic Wicca
Offers a definition and explanation of Witchcraft and Dianic Wicca.
Goddess Mystic: Goddess Religion, Priestess Path
Eclectic site offering information in Dianic Priestessing, information on Goddesses and links to ecological and Goddess items in the news.
Goddess Womyn
Dianic Women's circle located in Boston, Massachusetts in the tradition of Mountainwater and Budapest. Site gives brief description and philosophy of group.
House of The Goddess (HotGoddess) Center
Radical, AnarchaFeminist Dianic group in Tidewater, Virginia. Practice Blood Mysteries and Feminist Politics. Unique, comprehensive and diverse site offering philosophy, calendar of events and guidelines for 16-step support group for empowerment and healing.
Kissing Sophia: Meditations on Goddess Spiritualit
This site is devoted to an understanding of gender as a cosmic process. It further argues for the unity of all religions and shows how creation myths mirror biological conception.
MatriFocus, Web Magazine for Goddess Women
Outstanding web magazine by and for Goddess Women, published on the cross quarters. Articles by Dianic priestesses such as Patricia Monaghan and Susun Weed, and features a Goddess per issue. Articles on Thealogy, Scholarship, Feminism, the Sacred Earth, Women's Health, Natural Healing, and Queer Spirituality.
Mixed-Gender Dianic Wicca
One priestess's journey to Dianic Wicca. Includes a very succinct Dianic view of the 8 sabbats and a good reading list.
RCG Cella Training Program
Information on the Cella course of "inner mystery" study for women, for spiritual and personal growth. Site is comprehensive, including events, description of study path and guidelines.
RCG San Antonio (RCGSA)
Dianic women's group gathering monthly in San Antonio, Texas to honor the Earth and the Goddess through study and ritual. Non-profit 501(c)(3) in existence for 11 years. Site has contact information and brief description.
Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess Internationa
International organization of Goddess women with motherhouse in Madison, Wisconsin. RCGI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and the only formally organized woman-only church. Site has information and links.
Sancta Mystica Women's School
Homewood, Illinois Mystery School for women, focusing on growth and empowerment. Site has upcoming events, reviews by attendees and contact information. Affiliated with the Sanctuary of the Crescent Moon.
Serpentina - Women Centered Research For Everybody
Collaboration of women to bring forward and support research and projects around the Sacred Feminine. Comprehensive site with in-depth approach to women-centered spirituality.
Sybillyne Tradition of Wicca
Information on the Sybillyne path, a focused dianic study path open to both women and men and leading to ordination. Emphasis is on equality, ecology and wo/men's mysteries.
Syster-Tree: Celebrating the Magick of Women
British dianic non-profit organization that seeks to provide a positive, supportive environment for pagan women. Currently handles communications through e-list, but working to set up gatherings of members.
Temple of Diana, Inc.
Dianic study path offered by Ruth Barrett and Falcon River. Workshops, resources and Dianic training programs for ritual and guardian priestesses in magick, psychic skills, and women's ritual arts. Site has study path philosphy, schedule, and bios of its founders.
The Blue Roebuck
Comprehensive site with solid resources on the Goddess and her Sacred Trees. Also upcoming events, retreats, study recommendations, and reading list.
The Lotus Garden
A personal exploration of Dianic Witchcraft. Site includes essays, ritual work, and book reviews. Especially useful for dianic ritual.
WICCA Women in Conscious Creative Action
Not for profit organization and Church of the Goddess in Eugene, Oregon geared toward the teaching and understanding of Goddess culture. Founded by Rev. Norma Joyce, HP. Site has information on membership, retreats, contacts and Goddess songs and rituals.
Wikipedia: Dianic Wicca
One reference source's entry on Dianic Wicca, its difference from Wicca, its roots and characteristics.
Women Celebrating Milestones
Service to help women celebrate the various transitions of women's lives from birth to puberty to hand-fasting to croning. Site has descriptions of services offered, bio of the woman offering to plan the ceremonies, and contact information.
Z Budapest
Homepage of widely published and read author and one of the founding mothers of Dianic Wicca. Site has information on Z's longrunning Goddess Festival, other festivals, publications and upcoming appearances.