english deutsch
Abraham and the Child of Sacrifice: Isaac or Ishma
Deconstruction of the extra-Koranic Muslim tradition that Ishmael, not his brother, was the intended sacrifice of Genesis.
Biblical Personalities: Isaac and Ishmael
A contemporary Jewish look at the sons of Abraham, and their apparent reconciliation at their father's funeral.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Ismael
Commentary on the spurned son of Abraham from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Comparative Index to Islam: Ishmael
Highlights differences between Islamic and Christian beliefs about the illegitimate son of Abraham.
Concerning Ismael The Son Of Abraham
Chapter on Abraham's illegitimate son by the first-century Jewish historian Josephus.
Biblical biography of the wicked son of Abraham from a general Christian perspective.
Profile of the son of Abraham from a joint Lutheran and Catholic bible study project.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Ishmael
Overview of Abraham's first-born son from the traditional Jewish perspective, including Talmudic commentary and apocrypha.
Jewish Virtual Library: Ishmael
Brief profile of the illegitimate son of Abraham, with links to pertinent Torah passages.
Prophet Ishmael
The traditional Muslim view of the ancestor of Mohammed, with Koranic references.
Prophets and Spirits of Islam: Ishmael
Profile of the father of the Arabs from a Muslim perspective.
Yishmael and Hagar: A Perspective
Rabbinic commentary on some of the questions raised by Abraham's apparent abandonment of his son.
Zamzam, the Well of Ismael
A Shia Muslim account of Abraham's expulsion of Ishmael.