english deutsch
A Lesson in Retributive Justice
A Christian examination of the life of the deceitful patriarch Jacob.
Biblical Personalities: Jacob
A contemporary Jewish look at the third Biblical patriarch.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Jacob
Commentary on the Biblical patriarch from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Children Of Jacob
Overview of the scheming patriarch and his progeny.
Concerning Jacob's Flight Into Mesopotamia
Chapter on the patriarch's marriages and children by the first-century Jewish historian Josephus.
Biblical biography of the patriarch from an 1897 Christian source.
Profile of the patriarch also known as Israel and his importance to Judaism.
A Baptist perspective on the trials of Jacob.
Jacob (Israel)
Profile of the son of Isaac from a joint Lutheran and Catholic bible study project.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Jacob
Overview of the patriarch from the traditional Jewish perspective, including apocrypha and Talmudic commentary.
Jewish Virtual Library: Jacob
Article on the lives of the Biblical patriarch and his family.
Parashat Toldot
Rabbinic argument for Judah and Joseph's final honesty with each other as tikkun (redemption) of their father's life of deception.
Prophecies of Jacob
Three of the predictions for the patriarch, with biblical links and discussion about their fulfillment from a Christian perspective.
Prophet Jacob
Biography of the patriarch from a Muslim perspective, with Koranic references.
Scheming Jacob
An evangelical Christian perspective on the Biblical patriarch and his dysfunctional family.
Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Dictionary: Jacob
Profile of the Biblical patriarch.
Showing Favoritism to Children
Rabbinic commentary interpreting the story of Jacob as a cautionary parable to parents.
Stairway To Heaven
Discussion of Jacob's famous "ladder" dream, and its possible implications forChristians today.
Rabbinic commentary on the death of Jacob.
Yaakov's Battle with the Stranger
Rabbinic commentary about the patriarch's wrestling match with an angel by Ibn Ezra, Rashi, and Ramban.
Yaakov: Laying the Foundation
Rabbinic traditions about the patriarch.