english deutsch
Catholic Encyclopedia: Joseph
Catholic perspective on the Biblical patriarch's life and importance.
Coat Of Many Colors
Biblical biography of Joseph son of Jacob.
Concerning The Signal Chastity Of Joseph
Chapter on the episode with Potiphar's wife by the first-century Jewish historian Josephus.
Destruction of Joseph's Tomb
Kabbalistic essay on the prophecies that predicted the demolition of the patriarch's burial site by angry Palestinians.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Joseph
Overview of the Biblical leader from the traditional Jewish perspective, including apocrypha and Talmudic commentary.
Jewish Virtual Library: Joseph
Overview of the Biblical leader's life and prophecies.
Student essay about the centrality of dreams to the Genesis narrative.
Profile of the Israelite leader and his importance to Judaism.
A Baptist perspective on the Biblical patriarch, drawing comparisons between him and Jesus.
Profile of the son of Jacob from a joint Lutheran and Catholic bible study project.
Joseph (Dreamer)
Nineteenth-century Christian viewpoint on the son of Jacob.
Joseph in Egypt
Essay arguing that the Egyptian vizier Imhotep and the Biblical figure Joseph were the same man.
Joseph's Humiliation
Three-part examination of the Genesis account as part of a series intended to convince Muslims of the truth of Christianity.
Parsha Vayigash
Rabbinic commentary on Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers.
Parshat Miketz
Rabbinic commentary on the interpretations of Joseph with exhortation to use the account in preparation for spiritual "lean times."
Prophet Joseph (Yusuf)
The traditional Muslim version of the Biblical hero's abandonment by his brothers and temptation by Potiphar's wife.
Jewish commentary on the reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers as the healing of the broken family of Genesis.
Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Dictionary: Joseph
Biography of the Israelite leader, with parallels from Egyptian literature.
Tribe of Joseph
Jewish oral traditions about Joseph and his house of Israel.
Vandals Desecrate Joseph's Tomb
News article about the Palestinian destruction of the sacred Jewish site of the patriarch's grave.
A Jewish analysis of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.
Yosef HaTzaddik
Presenting the Chassidic position on the Biblical leader, including beliefs about his later reincarnations.
Yosef, Proud of His Origins
Jewish tradition about the patriarch's burial.