english deutsch
Catholic Encyclopedia: Moses
Commentary on the Biblical prophet from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Comparative Index to Islam: Moses
Highlights differences between Islamic and Christian beliefs about the Biblical prophet.
Encyclopedia of Mormonism: Moses
Summary of the Israelite leader's importance to Mormon thought.
How Moses Ascended Up To Mount Sinai
Chapter by the first-century Jewish historian Josephus.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Moses
Overview of the leader of Israel from the traditional Jewish perspective, including apocrypha and Talmudic commentary.
Jewish Virtual Library: Moses
Overview of the Biblical prophet's life and leadership.
Rabbinic analysis of Moshe's arguments to save his sinning people.
The story of the Jewish savior and his relevance to Judaism today.
Biblical biography of the Hebrew leader.
A Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the liberator, lawgiver, and prophet.
Twelve of the prophet's predictions, with biblical links and discussion about their fulfillment from a Christian perspective.
Profile of the Israelite leader from a joint Lutheran and Catholic bible study project.
Moses: An Adoption Haggadah
Story of Moses in the literary form of the haggadah
Moses: Leading a Rebellious People
A Baptist perspective on the life of the Hebrew lawgiver.
Profile of the biblical lawgiver and his importance to Judaism.
Moshe Rabeinu (Moses)
Presenting the Chassidic position on the greatest leader of the Israelites, including beliefs about the reincarnations of his soul.
Moshe Strikes The Rock
Discussion of the sins of Moses and Aaron from a Jewish perspective, including rabbinic commentary by Ibn Ezra and Rashi.
Moshe: 515 Ways to Get There
A traditional Jewish belief about the prophet's prayers to enter Eretz Yitzrael.
Musa and Harun
The traditional Muslim view of the Biblical brothers, with Koranic references.
Shemos: Moshe's Dilemma
Rabbinic essay on the significance of the Jewish leader's decision to kill an Egyptian overseer.
Torah Heroes: Moses
Three-part retelling of the Jewish prophet's life, aimed at young readers.