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Selections from print journal offering global range but exclusively Christian perspectives on the various arts.
Axis Mundi
An online student journal at University of Alberta for academic study of Religion.
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and
Print and electronic annual bulletin. Individual articles available for download in PDF; includes cumulative index.
Culture and Religion
Print journal supporting discussion of the relations between cultural studies and religious studies.
International religious studies electronic journal edited by Brian Bocking and published since 1993. Abstracts and full text of articles.
Fieldwork in Religion
Interdisciplinary electronic and print journal promoting empirical study of contemporary religion in religious studies, anthropology, ethnography, sociology, psychology, folklore, or cultural studies. Call for papers and author instructions.
Electronic journal from Estonia that includes articles on various religious traditions.
Harvard Divinity Bulletin
Quarterly publication covering contemporary issues in religion and theology. Some full-text articles.
History of Religions
Print journal. Subscription information and Table of Contents only.
Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
Semi-annual peer-reviewed electronic journal. Articles, reviews, projects and conference news.
Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion
Print journal. Some selected contents and additional resources.
Italian Studies On Religions
Telematic bulletin covering current Italian work in religious studies. Profiles of scholars; journal indices; book reviews; contact details for institutions, libraries, and publishers; potential research programs in Italy.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
Print and electronic journal. Index of subjects and authors; majority of articles available for download in PDF.
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
Disciplinary and interdisciplinary e-journal for religion and cultural theory.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Electronic and print journal. Subscription information, contents, and abstracts; full-text articles available for purchase.
Journal of Biblical Studies
Keyword searchable electronic journal for academic study of Jewish and Christian Bible.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Print and electronic journal focusing on the history of the Christian church as an institution and its relations with other religions and society at large. Free full-text abstracts and contents; author instructions.
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Table of Contents and subscription information for print journal.
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
An online, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles and book reviews that explore the relationship between religion and contemporary popular culture.
Journal of Religion and Society
An electronic journal from Creighton University for study of social dimensions of religions.
Journal of Religious Ethics
Abstracts and cumulative index of all articles, but no full text of articles.
Journal of Religious History
Subscription information, contents, and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishers website.
Sometime free-access electronic journal, focusing on interdisciplinary discussion of emerging issues in the study of religion. Articles and submission information for download as PDF files.
Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture
Sample articles and contents of a print journal that dedicates each issue to a particular theme.
Marburg Journal of Religion
Electronic academic journal with articles across full range of interest areas and traditions, edited by Michael Pye.
Print journal that offers partial online access.
Religion and the Arts
Print journal contents and covers, subscription information, plus online supplements.
Religion and Theology
Some full-text articles from volumes 2-4, published by University of South Africa.
Religion in Modern Asia Newsletter
Electronic publication from the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University, offering scholarly news and research regarding religions and belief systems in modern Asia.
Religion in the News
Online journal tracks current discussion of religion in news media.
Religious and Theological Abstracts
Subscription print and online abstracting service for scholarly religion and theology journals. Free trial available.
Religious Studies
Print and electronic journal devoted to the problems of the philosophy of religion as they arise out of classical and contemporary discussions and from varied religious traditions. Free access abstracts and contents listings; author instructions.
Reviews in Religion and Theology
Electronic and print journal reviewing books published in theology, religious studies, and related fields. Subscription information, instructions for authors, and tables of contents; full-text articles available for purchase.
Science of Religion
Online index and abstracts of articles in religion journals.
Teaching Theology and Religion
Electronic and print journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on pedagogical issues specific to theology and religious studies. Subscription instructions, tables of contents, and abstracts; full-text articles available for purchase.
The Journal of Comparative Religion
Academic e-journal from Western Michigan University with articles in PDF format.
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal. Abstracts and full text in multiple formats available.
The Journal of Religion
Print journal. Table of Contents and subscription information only.
The Journal of Religion and Film
Peer-reviewed e-journal that considers portrayals of religion in films. Index and full text of articles.
The Journal of Southern Religion
Peer-reviewed e-journal for study of religion in the American South. Full text of articles and book reviews.
The North Star: A Journal of African-American Reli
E-journal peer-reviewed articles, conference information, research resources.
The Strip
Experimental e-journal produced by U. of Colorado graduate students in Religious Studies makes striking use of hypertext.