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Adapted Technology
Chats and Forums, News and Media, Organizations, Personal Pages, Practitioners, Freezone International, Ron's Org USA, The Ghost Danse, The Process, Tranforming the Mind, Viking, Remote Viewing, Psychic Self-defence &, Werner Erhard, What to Know About Scientology
FreeZone Advanced Org Events, International Ex-Scientologists Meetup, Ron's Org FreeZone Convention 2003
Ability Meters International, C-Meter, Clarity Meter, Clarity Meter with AutoSens, E-Meter, E-Pro Meter, freeMeter, gsr meter, How the E-Meter Works, Mark X Faultless Solo
Ron's Org
Associations, Auditors, Chats and Forums, News and Media, Personal Pages, Ron's Org Committee for Standard Scientology , Ron's Org World Wide, Scientologie Home Page
Standard Technology
Associations, Auditors, Chats and Forums, News and Media, Personal Pages
Clearing Home Page
A wide ranging links and contact list of FreeZone and Scientology derived practices.
FreeZone America
Website originally established when the "Pilot" first began posting, as FZA.ORG. The new site offers a wide range of clearing technologies along with links to many of the most popular Freezone sites. Offers a discussion board, as well as many downloadable files.
Report and commentary on the status of Standard Tech as it is being practiced in the Scientology FreeZone.
Yahoo! Groups - Scientology
The Yahoo Groups section contains 60+ Scientology discussion groups that range from pro to con plus maybe.