english deutsch
Anakim, Nephilim, Nephilim are Giant Offspring Due to Irruption by F, Nephilim in Genesis and Deuteronomy, Nephillim, The Nephilim
From Paranormality. Brief article on the Watchers and their relation to the Nephilim.
The Fall of the Angels
This is the legend of Shemhazai, of the Watchers.
The Fallen Watchers - Grigori
Articles on why they fell, sin, the war in heaven and general information.
The Sons of God
Looking at early Sumerian and Mesopotamian myths regarding the Watchers.
The Watcher's of Heaven FAQ Page
Provides a short FAQ on the watchers and nephilim.
The Watchers
A description of the Watchers from an Italian Witchcraft perspective.
The Watchers
Dedicated to the Watchers and related topics.
The Watchers and The Watchtowers
The watchers, guardians of witches, fallen angels, and Enochian magick.
Watchers and Nephilim
Historical account of demonology and evil in Jewish and Christian belief systems.
Extensive resource on the Watchers. Includes links, articles, timelines and author reflections.