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Andy Kaufman's Psychic Surgery
Three captioned photos of Ramon Labo operating on comedian Andy Kaufman.
Christian Spiritism and Paranormal Healing
Psychic surgery as evidence for the coming age of the Holy Spirit.
Overview based upon investigations by Donald A. McDowall. Bibliography, links and a directory of Philippine healers are provided.
Healing Quests
Guided tours to healer John of God in Abadiania, Brazil led by Shamanic practitioner Heather Cumming.Detailed descriptions on trip and services included.
Inner Journey Survey
Responses to an informal postoperative questionnaire from an international group regarding their treatment session [Feb 2000 Amsterdam] with healer Stephen Turoff.
Joao de Deus
Surgeon working in the Casa de Dom Inacio Centre for Healing, offering healing to all who make the journey.
Philippine Psychic Surgery
Inspirational message from satisfied patient Dan McKee.
Psychic Surgeon Web Ring
Testimonial sites sponsored by Dolfina.
Unravelling the Enigma of Psychic Surgery
Historical analysis which argues for a connection between the roots of Philippine healing and the doctrines of Christian Spiritism.