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Rejuvenation - Taoist Style
The ancient Taoists, developed a complete, detailed, and scientific system of knowledge. Although Taoism is an ancient system of knowledge, it is praised by many for surpassing "modern" knowledge.
SivaSakti.com - In-depth Yoga Resource
Contains techniques and information on Hatha Yoga, Asana, Tantra, Yantra and Karma Yoga.
Tao Sexual Yoga
A look at Chinese (mostly Taoist) beliefs and practices regarding sex.
The Tao - Learn of True Intimacy
An engaging look at Taoism and how it relates love.
The Tao of Love - sexual orgasm
A short article from Dr. Lin about taoist sexuality written in 1997.
The Tao of Love, Passion, and Sex
Text of a lesson from a zen center in Sydney. Interesting text only file.