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Asana Basics
A well-organized directory of basic yoga postures. There are instructions on how to perform each posture, and helpful photographs.
A detailed guide to a few basic postures, and a number of more challenging asanas such as Pincha Mayurasana and Hanumanasana.
Beginning Yoga Poses
A series of basic yoga asanas for the beginning student, from a Palo Alto-based certified Iyengar yoga teacher.
ExTension and Recovery Yoga
Sam Dworkis explores yoga postures from neuromuscular and physiological perspectives. Includes excerpts from his two books.
Hatha Yoga
Seven series of postures for various needs and groups, including slimming, yoga for the office, yoga for men, children, mothers and mothers-to-be and over-40 yoga.
Hatha Yoga Lesson
Contains animated yoga postures, including a section devoted to stress relief. Also has general Hatha Yoga articles and breathing exercises.
In Praise of Down Dog
This feature is completely devoted to the popular yoga asana Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward Facing Dog. Benefits of the pose and posture tips are included.
My Daily Yoga
Simple exercises that can be done in home or office to help prevent RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Online Asana Index
An online encyclopedia containing dozens of yoga poses, with descriptions and illustrations drawn from many different sources.
Partner Yoga
Features Ashtanga Yoga asanas practiced individually and by two people working together.
Pediatric Oncall- MUDRA (Body Postures)
An illustrated guide to some basic mudras, or hand postures.
So You Want to Do a Wheel!
Breaks down the challenging pose, Urdhva Dhanurasana, or Wheel, into steps that make it less intimidating. Suggests easier poses to practice first.
Yoga and Posture
Explains the importance of mental attitude in practicing yoga postures.
Yoga and the Alexander Technique
Article proposes that the Alexander approach to posture, balance and coordination can help with the practice of yoga.
Yoga Basics: Yoga Asanas
Dozens of postures, illustrated with photographs and separated into several categories, from seated to supine to balancing.
Yoga for Fitness Inside Out
Brief article on the fitness benefits of yoga postures, from UHealthy.com.
Yoga Postures
A step-by-step guide of many of yoga's most popular postures, from easy poses to the more challenging.
Yoga Postures
Integrated into a system known as Hatha Yoga. View many different postures with hints and tips.
Yoga Postures for HIV/AIDS
Two sequences of postures for HIV/AIDS.